13 Sept 2023

Day of Geotopes on 17th September 2023 / Regards from the rocks

On 17th September, we celebrate the Day of Geotopes in Germany. Our photo shows the Five Finger Rock near Metzingen and it already sets the mood for golden autumn. You get the impression of a giant putting his hand through the leaves sending his regards. The rock group is one of the numerous geotopes in the Swabian Alb. It originates from the lower rock limestone formation and is protected.

The German Geological Society/Geological Association (DGGV), initiator of the Day of Geotops, celebrates its 175th anniversary in 2023 and has put a remarkable film online. It is worth watching at

Today we celebrate the Day of the Geotope in Germany. Our photo shows the Five Finger Rock near Metzingen and it already sets the mood for golden autumn. You get the impression of a giant putting his hand through the leaves sending his regards. The rock group is one of the numerous geotopes in the Swabian Alb. It originates from the lower rock limestone formation and is protected.

The German Geological Society/Geological Association (DGGV), initiator of today's day, celebrates its 175th anniversary in 2023 and has put a remarkable film online. It is worth watching at www.dggv.de/175-jaehriges-jubilaeum-der-dggv.


  • TagdesGeotops Fuenffingerfels2023 WEB ReinerEnkelmann
    Day of Geotopes on 17th September 2023 / Regards from the rocks